Hotels & Accommodations

Olympia Land offers a variety of accommodations designed to meet every taste and budget.

Whether you’re looking for the luxury of a five-star hotel or the charm of a smaller, family-run establishment, the region provides ample choices to ensure a comfortable stay.

Hotel Overview in Olympia Land: The region features a total of approx 300 accommodation units, offering over 10.000 rooms and approx. 20,500 beds. The range of options includes:

Olympia Land is uniquely positioned to host a diverse range of smaller, specialized meetings and events such as kick-offs, strategic gatherings, conferences, workshops, and bootcamps. With a selection of boutique hotels and specialized meeting venues, the region caters to groups seeking a more intimate or tailored event experience. Each venue is equipped with modern amenities designed to support innovative and effective gatherings. Whether you’re planning a strategic executive retreat or an immersive workshop, Olympia Land’s unique settings and personalized service ensure a productive and memorable event.